Direct Access Physiotherapy (DTF)

You can make an appointment without a referral letter.

From January 2006 you no longer need a referral letter to see a physiotherapist.

How does DTF work?

The principle of the DTF consists of a screening of the complaints, whereby the physiotherapist evaluates your complaints and decide if further attention is required.

If you qualify for treatment, the physiotherapist proceeds with examination and treatment. If the complains does not qualify for physiotherapy treatment, we will refer you to consult with your general practitioner.

If you are undergoing treatment with us, we will, if you give us the permission, inform your general practitioner that you are being treated by us.

For more information visit this website:

Directe toegang fysio-/oefentherapie –


You can of course come with a referral letter, but that is not really necessary.

If you are insured with

Achmea (Zilveren Kruis, OZF, Interpolis, FBTO, Agis, Avero, Caresco, IAK, Aevitae, Turien & Co) of DSW, ENO (= Salland, Zorgdirect en Holland Zorg), Multizorg (ASR., ONVZ, Zorg en Zekerheid), then no referral is needed.


For chronic conditions, a referral letter from the general practitioner or specialist is required because payment maybe possible from the basic insurance.

For more information visit this website:

 Chronische lijst van aandoeningen –

At home treatment

If you are unable to come to the practice, you may be treated at home.

The home treatment will also consist of an intake interview and examination just like at the practice.

You will need a referral letter from the general practitioner or specialist.